Tuesday, August 20, 2024

 Why do they still believe?

Why do the MAGA's still believe that Donald Trump is going to save them when all he wants to do is use them. He constantly lies and they think he is telling the truth - all of which can be proven as lies.... It would have to be one heck to a conspiracy if so, many news outlets were against him. Come on now use your brains and act as if he were your child and told so many tall tales - would you stand for it?

He has lied about so many things that they are too long to list. He never won the last election (he lost) ... His so-called rallies are minimum in the amounts of people that really show up. He is a convicted felon (34 charges) that he is even trying to convince himself that he is innocent. He is convicted abuser of women (rapist). He started an insurrection against the government he was supposed to be in charge of. Asked that his own VP be hanged. Also, many treasonous actions. If this man were to come to your place of business, would you even hire him - if you did then you need your head examined. But you are willing to elect him as your president.  He is only using you to purchase his two-bit products because he needs your money - billionaire, yeah right.

MAGA is being made fools of. The proposed Project 2025 is also coming for you. Going to take away many things that you and your prior generations fought to have. Well, unless you are a million-dollar donor you may be safe, otherwise you are just a throw away. He will make his rich buddies richer because he needs their money to survive. Between them and you MAGAs they, the billionaires will win. Wake up and stop being conned. Do what's right for you and your family and not for the pockets of the corrupt Trump Organization.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

9 years old and still the same story.....

 Attached is a TED talk given by Chrystia Freeland on the state of Plutocracy and how the 1% has so much control over the 99% - how their wealth increases while the so called "working class" buying/living income decreases. Not much has changed and in fact may be getting worse for those who just want to live. When will there be some sort of income equity? Not saying that people can't and shouldn't strive for wealth; but when is too much too much - will there ever be the proper political representation if only the rich and famous can afford to run, finance and yes buy political offices......  In this the greatest country in the world, something has got to give......


Friday, October 28, 2022

Twitter and the Musk 1%

 Now that Elon Musk has used his billions to by a social network, has a free speech platform been neutralized.  Will he monitor any negative remarks about himself and stop all criticism about himself or his companies, or will he honor the social town square forum? Will he let a disrupter and hater like Donald Trump back to spew his vile comments just because he thinks it good theater.

In the one day that Musk has owned the platform he has already fired top executives (can't say they don't deserve it for being callus in selling); but I am sure they all got Golden Parachutes. This purchase by a billionaire (if not the, but one of the, richest) is proof again that the 1% is pushing out the 99%.  If this continues all the news and media outlets will be printing and promoting only what they think is viable. Little by little it has and continues; Murdoch and Fox, Bezos and Washington Post, jus to name 2. The 99% have been pushed aside during the 4 year reign of a modern day tyrant and has to rise up again.  Also those who follow the tyrant should realize that they too are part of the 99% and would be trampled on when no longer needed a props anymore.

We have always been a country founded on a "For the people, by the people" philosophy - but the rich get elected and take care of the rich 1% and the people 99% are still made to carry the load on their backs and suffer all the burdens. The 99% (which always has outnumbered the 1%) needs to get and find their voice again and fight (not violently) for change. Let us all have a chance for a better life - we all deserve it.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Is this how an elected official should make decisions?

On a local level elected officials are asked to make some pretty hairy decisions; but of course that is why they were elected. There have been some cases where an elected official, who just seemed couldn't think for himself/herself, would ask for a survey or a petition about the subject that is being discussed or voted upon.

Is this how you would want your elected official to govern, by survey or petition?  If he or she is so weak and can't think on their own why did they run for office in the first place. This type of elected official seems to have no confidence in decision making and presents weak leadership, and would rather take heed in a possible misguided response from the masses.

Voters/citizens need people who can think for themselves, assess the issue and give the best possible decision they can render. Will they always be right, of course not, but after some further thought anything can be corrected. The key would here is thought..... If you can't think for yourself you shouldn't be making decisions that could affect others.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Who is watching your HOA board and management company?

I have always been a proponent for people getting involved in their local government.  Now of days the most purest form of local government is one that effects our everyday daily life and that no one takes into consideration, it is your local HOA board and the management company that works for them/you.  They all actually work for you the residents.  Without checks and balance these boards become kingdoms for those who look to abuse the system.  Why does this happen; because no one wants to take the time to get involved, just like any form of government, - so you get what you are paying your ever increasing monthly assessment (a tax) for.  In most cases it is for mismanagement.

Why should residents care?  Because these are people that truly control your every day life; right outside your doorway.  They determine on what to spend and charge you and 
if they are not financially prudent and have a management company that doesn't give the proper advise - it will cost you, and may cause financial woes going forward for your assosiation.  
Now don't get me wrong, most people want to get involved to help the community and make it a great place to live. After all they are residents also and have a vested interest in what goes on. But you still have some who have a personal agenda and are only thinking of themselves.  This is where you have to get involved. Now I also understand that some people don't want to run for a board but that is not just the limit of your involvement.  Go to a meeting and just 
watch and observe and say something. As a disclaimer I was on my board for about 20 years and the reason being was that no one wanted to run for the position.  I was always an observer as a board member and now as just a good ole resident.

As for the management company - they manage the everyday functions and in some cases the financial aspects of the associations.  The are the supposed day to day experts who do this for a living and should be more knowledgeable then the volunteer board; but the board members should still be aware of what they are doing; after all they work for the HOA and can be replaced by the HOA.

The bottown line here is to get involved - you may find it interesting and also in you and your fellow neirghbors interest. Keeping an eye on things doesn't mean you lack trust but; that you are asking for accountability.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Can't make this sh*t up.....

Just some quick comments of what is going on - It is too bizarre to be real.....

**Prez Trump had mentioned recently that he would have made a good General.  Well General Shin Splints don't you realize that you need to go thru some grueling training.  Your wimp ass could handle it.  Or maybe Big Daddy would buy a Generalship for you.

**He identifies..... Hey there Richie Rich Trump can you really fool the working man & woman that you really identify.  You are nothing but a big phony...

**About the Wall:  The GOP had the majority for Trump's first 2 years and did nothing about a WALL.  Now they blame the Democrats who have only been in the majority for a week.  What a bunch of wimps...

**General Shin Splints Trump needs to Wag the Dog again - now it is called The Wall.  Oh yeah I forgot, Mexico's wall...hahahahahaha. Idiot.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Identify?? Really??

How can a man who inherited $400 million dollars (and squandered it) actually make the statement that he "Identifies" with the working man and women.  Even when in bankruptcy (many times) he always has one of his fancy hotels to stay in.  Can he fool that many fools? Apparently he thinks so and in some cases he is accomplishing it. (38%)

Well Mr. Richie Rich Trump you are hurting all Americans by your antics but all you care about is what Rush & Anne think.  You are the President of the United States not your own state of mind.  It is time for the 25th Amendment; but then again we would get that coward bot of Mike Pence.