Why is it that in local elections the Democrats always have a bad showing? Well it is simple - they just don't think they have to come out and vote. When you ask fellow democrats who only vote in state or national elections to come out and vote for local (city, township, borough, county races) elections you can bet you get the old-My Vote Won't Count- excuse. Well if anything it should have been proven in the last two presidential elections that every vote counts. Al Gore and John Kerry can attest to this.
But we also do things not to entice some of these votes to vote. We have to constantly field good, qualified candidates - not just anyone who raises their hand. The candidates that we field have to be well versed on the issues and must be able to convince the voters we do know what we are talking about. The democrats must be constantly vi sable to the voters - because they will vote for who the see and know about. Finally when we are attacked and demonized by the republicans - we MUST FIGHT BACK. Democrats have to realize that fighting back with the truth is not negative campaigning - but showing strength and backbone....
Once we get our candidates to act like candidates and motivate the voters - the voters will come to the ballot box. Let's stop fielding sacrificial lambs and get some lions on our side.....
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Turn the Other Cheek?
Why is it that no matter what kind of campaign we (the Democrats) are in we feel that it is not within our rights to get tough? Even when we have the facts and/or are the one's telling the truth we feel we have to play nice with those who are attacking. The GOP even when guilty of distorting the truth turn everything around and make the DEMS feel like they were the one's who did something wrong. We as a party have to stop feeling that fighting back is barbaric and above us. If we are right - telling the truth - taking the citizens needs seriously, then we should definitely fight back when attacked. We keep getting bullied and the bullies keep winning. Now I am not saying run negative campaigns - But is it negative when you are protecting yourself? I think not - it is showing you are strong enough not to have to go negative but also strong enough to lead.... Remember John Kerry..... We are running out of cheeks to turn...
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