What is wrong with the people of this country of ours? Why is no one outraged that nothing is getting done? Beside the fact the the Democrats have taken somewhat control of congress - where are the positive changes that they were voted in to do? I do understand that the Democrats do not have total control, but where is the fight and or arm twisting (ala LBJ) to get some of the agenda accomplished? Or do the Dems even remember they have an agenda?
- We are still at war in Iraq.....
-There are still children in this country and families with no health care
- Gas prices are still outrageous and we are still reliable on foreign oil
- Money, Money , Money is still the only resource by which a person gets elected
by or gets a chance officially debate.
These are just a few items of which I feel the Democrats could and should make stronger stances on. But where are they? And where are the people who voted them into office? It seems that maybe it is just me. Maybe every other person is happen with he above items. Maybe we have become so complacent as a country that we are afraid to speak out. But let us remember that it was because of speaking out that we are the country we are. Speak out people.. Hold your elected officials accountable for their actions or truly get rid of them and find someone who will take the people's concerns to heart and not special interest groups filtering them money.