Sunday, July 5, 2009

LBJ knew the way......

So much news and hub-bub in the last week that what seems to have been already forgotten is the Democrats have 60. Yes, Senator Al Franken has finally be legitimatized. Now that the Dems have what they have waiting so long for, all I keep hearing is that don't think it will so easy getting all 60 to agree to pass certain things. Certain things like health care. What??? I always thought the reason that the Dems wanted 60 was to get some legislation past for the good of the people who elected them. If they are still uncertain about what can be done - then the people have to be uncertain with who then elected. Now that the power has shifted will the Democrat controlled Congress be the congress of NO ALSO? I hope not.

Maybe President Obama should take a few pages or the whole book from LBJ. Why? Cause before he was consumed and done in by the Vietnam War, LBJ passed more legislation for the Great Society than any president before or after him. He knew how to pass laws; maybe because before president he was "Master of the Senate" (another good book President Obama) and knew what it took to convince senators to pass laws. He took that knowledge to the White House and parlayed into good for the people. He cajoled, intimidated, twisted the proverbial arm to get things done; but things got done. If he had the 60 that Pres. Obama has now - who knows what would get passed; but I am sure the first item would be health care. Don't squander this opportunity Pres. Obama.

Also - maybe instead of Press Secretary Gibbs arguing with Helen Thomas he should read her column more often and forward it to you Mr. President. Helen has been around longer then both of you and believe it or not ..... She gets it.... Read and learn