Monday, August 24, 2009

Learn from the Master

Can't emphasis enough... Please President Obama, study and learn from LBJ... It will work.... Just try it...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

How about NO Health Care?

It seems like some people are getting so riled up over giving every American affordable health care. Who are these people? Do they have such great coverage that they feel they are giving up something special? Do they have a job which makes the layoff-proof or fire-proof? Are they all multi-millionaires who can afford any doctor or medical care out there? Do they have elderly parents or grandparents who are on that awful socialist system called Medicare?

People have to wake up and stop showing their ignorance and have a civil dialogue about this very important issue. The best thing to do when making a decision like this is to put yourself in the worst possible situation. Those lucky to have medical care at the moment, envision yourself without it. Your have been fired or laid off; your company is going bankrupt; your in and industry that is downsizing or coming to an end. Now what do you do? Your child has the flu; you have high blood pressure or diabetes. What do you do? Your elderly parent needs expensive heart medicine. What do you do? Well I guess if you listen to the people who happen to have insurance (that is until their time may be up); be tough and suffer a little.

Apparently some feel that government - even at the local level - doesn't need to take care of it's people. That the unfortunates want to be that way by choice. That the sick and dying want to live that way - a way without hope of getting better. The simple thing to do is to ask themselves the question(s), is that what they would want for them and their family members? Some even feel that the government will take all the old people and kill them; maybe they saw the move "Solent Green" too many times.

Are these people even asking who is disseminating this information? How about big health insurance companies; pharmaceutical companies; politicians who get big money from both; and multi-millionaire commentators who could really care less about you. There is more of us normal everyday folks then there is them, but these small but rich groups are the ones dictating for all. Filling people's head with their keep on getting richer propaganda.

Maybe we have been approaching this the wrong way. Instead of trying to give all Americans affordable health care, let's take health care away totally. That's right eliminate all health insurance for a month; week; heck for just one day; and then let people feel the crunch. This was a country founded on unity - United we stand and divided we fall. Well if we divide some will fall thru the cracks - 45 to 50 million perhaps - but the rich will still get richer and the poor or even the middle class will just get sicker.