To those who for some reason of another are defending
BP actions should be put into a padded cell. This is a company with more violations then the number one
scofflaw in a major city as New York or Philadelphia. This company has no regard for the
well being of the people or communities whose territory it exploits.
What is happening now in the Gulf is just a repeat of what
BP was somewhat
responsible for years ago in Alaska under the guise of the Exxon Valdez mishap. Even though Exxon was the company name on the tanker it was
BP's job to contain the spill. Apparently they didn't know then and still don't know how to contain a spill. They are pretty much the
Madoff of the oil drilling industry. Mr.
Madoff was an investment advisor who
really didn't invest and
BP is an oil drilling who doesn't know the proper way of how to drill. Both were just looking at what their profit would be ..... Money first... People way last....
Listen to the following interview with Greg
Palast; who has been investigating
BP since the
Valdezs incident. Why are we not hearing this on the main stream newscasts....