Friday, February 18, 2011

Sarah Palin Speaks Out On 2012, Birthers & 'Death Panels' Charge

The former 2 year quitter Alaskan governor. Thank God she is the idiot cartoon character who keeps on giving...>
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Glenn Beck To Egypt Critics: 'Go To Hell' (VIDEO)

Why doesn't this fear mongerling lunitic thank God everyday for all the millions he makes and just go away.... His craziness will cause him to go broke along the lines of Lenny Bruce (who actually had a better case)..

Since Glenny hates peaceful demonstrat­ions so much it makes you wonder if he would have been in the front line with the National Guards shooting the students at Kent State.

It must be hard to be the smartest man in American..­. Same as Eugene McCarthy..­.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, February 7, 2011

AOL Agrees To Acquire The Huffington Post

Wow. First Air America gone... Then Keith Olberman gone.. Now Huffington Post technicall­y gone. I understand­, from working for a local newspaper, that everything being proposed for the future is digital; but this marriage is over the top. I hate to think of it as a sell out, but hey, that is what it is. AOL is a poor excuse for delivering the news. It is getting it's clock cleaned by such outlets as Huffington Post, Google, and every local news website out there. Now Huffington Post will give it credibilit­y but will in the long run will loose its credibilty­.. This would be the equivilent of Variety merging with Wall Street Journal. If you are the one being bought - like Huffington Post is - then you are the one who will loose their identity. I hope you don't loose your identity - cause then you may leave your reader nowhere else to go.... Oh yeah - there always will be "Fair and Balanced" Fox news....yu­ck.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Virginia Thomas' Anita Hill Call Reportedly Caused Problems With Conservative Donors

Instead of asking for an appology she should be thanking God that her brain dead idiot husband is a Supreme Court Justice. Truly a man undeservin­g of the position.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sarah Palin Blasts Obama's Handling Of Egypt

Wow... Great advice coming from a media grabbing political office quitter. Even if she had the opportunit­y to be the President (at a 30% favorable) in these troubled times; she would more then likely quit under the pressure and then get a reality show. My God - who even listens to this knucklehea­d and why does she get the print.....
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost