Hello all.
Sorry I have been missing in action recently; but I have been involved in something of which many an American could care less about: Local government elections. Here in Pennsylvania - the Keystone State - we had a Primary election on May 17th, you of course would never know it by the attendence, at most a wopping 15%.
Like everything else - voters, citizens always want to concentrate at what is going on at the top. Now of days we never want to start at the bottom and work our way up. That even pertains to local government; the day to day operations that effect them directly in their day to day life. More so then what their congressperson, senator, governor or even president. But do they know who or what is their school board; township supervisors, mayors, council people and on and on. Well from years of working the local polls as a committeeperson (wow what is that) - I would have to say locally the electorate is clueless.
That is why you get the local government you get. Because of turnout one of the two major parties can control elections. Shame on those who let this happen cause they will get what the haven't voted for - eventually a policticall corrupt system. One party will control everything - and those who will benefit are their cronies. They (cronies) will get all the appointments to boards and committees and be privy to all that is going on in the inner circle. Now when you think about what it takes to get this control and who the people are sitting on the outside - the amazing result is that the outsiders out number the privilaged in siders.
Due to poor turnout a controlling party can control an election with only 35-40% turnout in their favor. Now that leaves anywhere from 65-60% that could have come out to vote - not caring. Or maybe they voted but only 25% of them did. But what the heck - who really cares about local government.
Maybe people care after the fact: when the school board raises their taxes or takes away programs to justify some mundane budget cut. Or maybe they will care when their township is almost bankrupt and they elected officals feel the only way to balance the budget is to cut personnel. Less personnel - less service. When thats what happens when your are reactive and not proactive.
People need to get involved in local government and exercise their vote. Being a reactionary society it would serve people right if they got their right to vote taken away for lack of use. For all the people who sacrificed to get equal voting rights - just imagine them taken away and given only to the privilage few that do vote. In essence, all you non voters, that is what is being done; only it is being done voluntarily.