What makes this blowhard bully; orange faced idiot; habitual bankruptcy filer think that he is always right? Apparently due to some of his business failures (always seems to insulate his personal life) he is wrong plenty of times. When backed into a corner his debating style is to insult. He is a child who only knows how to call people names when he is being debated with the facts.... In this case telling Wolf Blizter that if he was a better reporter (even though he was presenting facts) his rating would go up.... calling George Will (not one of my favs) is a overrated journalist... telling Robert DeNiro and Bill Cosby were wrong to challenge Mr. Clown Face Trump. Mitt Romney would be better regarded if he distanced himself from this bad hairdo; but then maybe Mr. Grump would really tell the truth as to how Bain Capital really works. Keep him off the news reports - stop watching his stupid "Your Fired" show; which is full of has been celebrities; because without the free publicity he will falter.... But if you need a clown for your child's birthday party - please do call Mr. Trump.
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