I still to this late day in the election see any evidence of passion in Mitt Romney's actions or desire to become the President of the United States. I still believe it is a rich man's last thing on earth of substance that he can try to buy. He has nothing in common with the "common man" nor has he every lived the life of a common man. Just wants to place another line on his privileged resume. He tells us about all the solutions he has but keeps them a secret; similar to what another rich man told us; Ross Perot; he was going to payoff the deficit back then and we were to believe him because he said so. Same with Romney.... Let's just believe him cause he told us so. Like everything else, sports, politics, business, if you don't have heart you are just going thru the motions.... Romney's motions are so stiff he looks petrified at times... I want a passionate man to lead this country; one that cares for all the people and not just a selective few.... And that man is NOT Mitt Romney....
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