Monday, July 15, 2013

Justice Department To Review George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin Case

Here are some rules pertaining to the establishment and running a proper Community Watch...

Did Mr. Zimmerman follow any of these rules?

Make sure your citizen patrol:

-Undergoes training by law enforcement and have their support;

-Works in teams;

-Wears identifying clothing -t-shirts, caps, vests, .jackets-or reflective clothing or patches;

-Never carries weapons of any kind — e.g. guns, black jack, mace, baseball bat, or knives;

-Never challenges anyone;

-Always carries a pad and pencil, and a flashlight if it is dark;

-Is courteous and helpful to residents of the area being patrolled: and

-Keeps logs and files reports with the local law enforcement agency.

Was he really community watch or self appointed vigilante?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, July 12, 2013

JPMorgan Chase Fires Back At Warren-McCain Plan To Reinstate Glass-Steagall

All we have to do is look to our neighbors to the north, Canada. They have never had a banking scandal and continue to run a reputable banking system. Why? Regulation. When dealing with the public's money our banks should be regulated as to what they can do. And who really cares about Mr. Dimon; he should be locked away. How many lives has he ruined with his banking and mortgage decisions. He and his hotshot fellow bankers are the reason we are still digging out of this financial debacle. If this was the "Game of Thrones" times Mr. Dimon would be confined to the Rack or beheaded. Let us hope that our politicians have the cohones to reinstate the proper regulations and protect the working man and not the rich thieves... and remember 99% is more than 1%.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, April 22, 2013

Elected Cowards.....

How do we expect local elected officials not to cower to undue influence & campaign money when the higher ups in the Senate lead the way in cowardliness. Killing the back-round checks on gun purchases may give them some more "blood money" from the NRA but also showing they just didn't care about the blood shed by those who died in Newtown, Conn. & other gun tragedies. Shame on you, you cowardly slobs....