Ok ok stop laughing but there is plenty to consider when you really think about the questions. Take away his arrogance, his showmanship, his retoric and what you may find is a true progressive.
The Donals, as he has been known to call himself, could be on the verge of being the frontrunner of the Republican party but what one must remember is that deep down inside he was liberal Democrat. Taking that into efffect you will realize that some of his stands are that of a progressive.
He feels that Wall Street has ruined the country with its greed and not paying for its crimes. This is of course also a stand of some Democratic progressives as Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. If these two warriors against Wall Street hold the same stand as Donald then again where does that put Donald.
He is for and holds no anomisty against same sex marriages and somewhat supports gay and lesbian rights. Now how does that sound for a conservative blowhard, he seems to still have a liberal streak about him.
He speaks out about the powers to be. He isn't afraid to call anyone out on any topic. Now all be it at times he is over the top but then again at times he is saying what some of us would like to say but are to scared or is it politically correct to say sucn things. A progressive would make the same attacks on the Washington elite (maybe not as severe) as the Donald has been doing against Bush, Perry, Walker and to the exreme even McCain. He doen't seem to hold to the Ronald Reagan 11th commandment of "Do not speak badly of another Republican", which again leads one to wonder.
He has also exposed the hypocracy about the whole election process by his brash statements. He admis that because of his wealth he can say such things because he doesn't have to worry about the rath of big money donors. Because he don't have to bow to he buyers of he Presidency he can say what he believes to be true. Now this alone is the Donald's own way of declaring that there should be campaign finance reform - and if so we will get the true truth out of our candidates.
Now I am not saying that the progressives would even want this shock showman to join its club; but they should just be prepared that he does make points that maybe progressives could fine tune and incorporate in some platform.
So the next time you even take the time to listen to him speak, just close your eyes and say to yourself is that Bernie or Elizabeth. Then slap yourself and realize that yes thoses words were coming out of the mouth of Donald Trump......