I am always amazed at how candidates and their followers always blame a 3rd party candidate when their hero loses. Perfect point has alway been the Gore campaign blaming Ralph Nader. But didn't the Gore people know that Nadar was running and plan for the votes he might take and address their energies to that. I bet not because they just took for granted they would win - well that is not shame on Nadar but shame on Gore. Also how about the fact that if Gore had only won his home state of Tennessee there would have been no Florida; go do the numbers cry babies.
Now in 2016 we have a Presidential election with two of the most unpopular candidates ever in a two party system that only we here in the United States have, and we are not to peruse a 3rd party because we are told out vote won't count. To the contrary it would count much more because the sacrafice to cast a vote you truly believe in will send a message that things need to change and become more democratic.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump see all the polls that include the independent candidates and should know that they are in the race and will garner votes. Don't squawk and cry about it the day after if you happen to lose. We need candidates who earn our votes and don't think that the deserve our vote because they are a Democrat or Republican.
So rock on to those who want to be independent and vote their mind instead of party. With guts and determination we will eventually get a strong third and fourth party and finally have a true choice. If it is not done I feel sorry for future generations who will only have to choose between the 1% haves to rule our country. Hey wait a minute isn't that happening now.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Bad Behavior Gets Rewarded
We have bad behavior all over in politics today, from the presidential level; but it also happens at the local level, and that is where people's lives are the most effected by corrupt politicians...
Here in the lovely rolling hills of Bucks County Pa there is probably more corruption per capita then in many major cities; which usually monitor corruption. If you happen to sit on the side of the isle that is in power and you kiss enough ass and you are willing to sell your integrity to the devil you will get ahead - all at the cost of the taxpayers and people who voted for you to do the right thing.
In Newtown there was (because he got promoted) a supervisor who was arrested for a DUI, in the process of that arrest threatened the police officer's job by using his position as a supervisor; a position given to him by the voters. Usually for doing such a thing a person of integrity does some sort of penance - not him, not even a formal apology to his fellow supervisors. His legal judgement was just as much of a joke, to the poor police man and the department for that fact, because he only got a slap on the wrist for what he did. Why? Because he had happened to be the webmaster for the joke of a DA Bucks County has.
In the meantime he has lied to the public, used scare tactics in neighborhoods so that large money contributing builders would get their way and more housing density to the detriment of those neighborhoods. He has tried to bid rig for certain construction firms, firms owned by high ranking power brokers within his party. He is and will always be in the pocket of a State Senator that has been using him since he became a supervisor.
The sad part is that this supervisor just go an appointment to a high paying $90K row office in the county because he has been a good soldier (like a German or Mafia soldier). The Governor was warned - well at least his lieutenants were - of this supervisor's bad behavior; and what was done - he was rewarded for the bad behavior. Just not fair to those public servants who want to serve the public and not the power brokers.
Now I know and I am not naive that these things happen on both sides of the political isle, and that is even sadder. Don't the people deserve better? Of course they do - but they have to pay attention first and study up on who they are voting for and not just become sheep being lead to the voting booth. Ask for those who are helping you to be reward when the time comes - because they will do right by the voters - and the voters need better then what they are getting..... Whether nationally or locally - the voters are the most powerful on election day.
As for this supervisor rewarded for bad behavior. He may be laughing at all of us thinking he has gotten ahead; but he will always be bought and paid for and sold his integrity and any good intentions he may have had; that is until someone cheaper comes along and he is tossed a side, because he is one that can't be trusted even by the corrupt bosses.
Here in the lovely rolling hills of Bucks County Pa there is probably more corruption per capita then in many major cities; which usually monitor corruption. If you happen to sit on the side of the isle that is in power and you kiss enough ass and you are willing to sell your integrity to the devil you will get ahead - all at the cost of the taxpayers and people who voted for you to do the right thing.
In Newtown there was (because he got promoted) a supervisor who was arrested for a DUI, in the process of that arrest threatened the police officer's job by using his position as a supervisor; a position given to him by the voters. Usually for doing such a thing a person of integrity does some sort of penance - not him, not even a formal apology to his fellow supervisors. His legal judgement was just as much of a joke, to the poor police man and the department for that fact, because he only got a slap on the wrist for what he did. Why? Because he had happened to be the webmaster for the joke of a DA Bucks County has.
In the meantime he has lied to the public, used scare tactics in neighborhoods so that large money contributing builders would get their way and more housing density to the detriment of those neighborhoods. He has tried to bid rig for certain construction firms, firms owned by high ranking power brokers within his party. He is and will always be in the pocket of a State Senator that has been using him since he became a supervisor.
The sad part is that this supervisor just go an appointment to a high paying $90K row office in the county because he has been a good soldier (like a German or Mafia soldier). The Governor was warned - well at least his lieutenants were - of this supervisor's bad behavior; and what was done - he was rewarded for the bad behavior. Just not fair to those public servants who want to serve the public and not the power brokers.
Now I know and I am not naive that these things happen on both sides of the political isle, and that is even sadder. Don't the people deserve better? Of course they do - but they have to pay attention first and study up on who they are voting for and not just become sheep being lead to the voting booth. Ask for those who are helping you to be reward when the time comes - because they will do right by the voters - and the voters need better then what they are getting..... Whether nationally or locally - the voters are the most powerful on election day.
As for this supervisor rewarded for bad behavior. He may be laughing at all of us thinking he has gotten ahead; but he will always be bought and paid for and sold his integrity and any good intentions he may have had; that is until someone cheaper comes along and he is tossed a side, because he is one that can't be trusted even by the corrupt bosses.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Send a message as a point of principles and having balls.
Here in Pa we have a law that allows a person who has a permit to carry a concealed weapon the permission to carry that gun in a park. A park where children play, people gather to relax and want some peace. The only breaking of this law is the discharge of the gun. So some one who may get angry for any reason gets their muscles pumping and pulls out their legal gun and if even accidentally discharges it..... well the broke the law but who is going to put the bullet back in the gun.
When this law was first presented a few years ago my fellow board members were afraid to vote against it (I did) because some almighty power said we "HAD TO"..... I thought it would have been nice to send a message that we did not agree...... who and why does anyone need to carry a gun in a park.... oh but of course to protect us against the lunatic carrying the other gun.... or maybe the two lunatics are two angry parents.
I asked my board the other night that it would be a great sign of principle if we were to contact our state representative or state senator of our opposition to this irrational law. The only one to agree and say anything was my fellow Democrat Board member Jen Dix. The other's sat there and said nothing - one being a candidate for the new State Representative office..... now whether or not a lonely township like ours could change anything may be a long shot.... but it may have started something..... but three ball-less members said nothing and what kind of leader with that State Rep candidate would be if he is afraid now to address any controversial issue.
When this law was first presented a few years ago my fellow board members were afraid to vote against it (I did) because some almighty power said we "HAD TO"..... I thought it would have been nice to send a message that we did not agree...... who and why does anyone need to carry a gun in a park.... oh but of course to protect us against the lunatic carrying the other gun.... or maybe the two lunatics are two angry parents.
I asked my board the other night that it would be a great sign of principle if we were to contact our state representative or state senator of our opposition to this irrational law. The only one to agree and say anything was my fellow Democrat Board member Jen Dix. The other's sat there and said nothing - one being a candidate for the new State Representative office..... now whether or not a lonely township like ours could change anything may be a long shot.... but it may have started something..... but three ball-less members said nothing and what kind of leader with that State Rep candidate would be if he is afraid now to address any controversial issue.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Why are they scared???
Harry Reid who helped twist arms in Nevada to get Queen Hillary the primary; all by threatening the casino workers unions; is another Democrat establishment official afraid of Bernie Sanders.... All of whom are asking Bernie to quit.... Never knew the Democrats were in favor of quitters...
@SenatorReid wants @BernieSanders to quit - I would like to know if he was this far into the process and this close would @SenatorReid quit.
@SenatorReid wants @BernieSanders to quit - I would like to know if he was this far into the process and this close would @SenatorReid quit.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Bernie should have party respect.
The Democratic establishment has been ignoring Bernie Sanders for this whole campaign and now are surprised at some of the anger of his supporters. The man who has brought in more new voters then Queen Hilary has and they pretend he does not exist. The man who can beat Trump handily does not exist. The man who will help the working class and young does not exist.
Instead they and MSNBC support a candidate of the 1% and who may possibly be indited of a crime and Bernie Sanders does not exist... Oh and if the Queen is indited the Democrats will recruit VP Joe Biden. Biden although well loved in the party has not won 1 primary and opted to sit this one out.... Should have run Joe.
The primary season seems to be a payback to Queen Hilary for being a good solider, but may be her time has come and gone and the Democrats have to realize that. She has an unpopularity rating as high as Trump but the Democrat establishment feel that is ok. She is part of the 1% as is Trump, and as is the majority of Congress, but that is ok....
Hopefully the party will treat Bernie Sanders with the respect he deserves; for bringing to the attention of the people all that is wrong with the system, and unlike Trump has solutions. Maybe Queen Hilary has learned something from what Bernie has done and gives him his due.... After all if she does go to jail and Bernie is Prez, he might be nice and pardon her.....
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Follow your belief's first.....
I was told recently that "you reap what you sow" - Well does that mean if I give my true opinion and not follow along as a sheep that I will get that in return. I hope so.... In today's political climate too many people are afraid to voice their true opinion because they feel they have to follow the crowd and that is why we get the elected officials that we get.
Myself, I will continue to sow what I believe in because I know that it is my belief and not someone else's. Now of course I am not going to be right all the time and when proven wrong I may adjust.
People believe what the believe and it doesn't make anyone else their inferior or less of a person because they believe in something or someone else - if that were the case the winners of elections would win by 99%.
So I guess what i am saying is never be afraid of the consequences if you truly believe in something. By doing this you get more respect then if you were just another person following the crowd.... Create your own crowd...
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Big money in small town politics
People who live in small town America may think that it is utopia but they will never know or can even fathom how much money filters thru their towns. Small town politicians are always vying to win election not because they want to serve the public but because they want to serve the higher ups in the party for their own advancement.
How do they do this? Simple, by making sure that the right (proper) professional firms get the work and contracts that they are supposed to get - not always because they are good but because they are party lackeys. Large contributors and party loyalists get their do with nice paychecks that will come to them at the expense of good government.
When voters are asked to vote for someone because, they will be a good public servant, they should always be skeptical and do their research. Voters need to be more knowledgeable in who they vote for and not always become blinded by what they are told. Watch out, for when their public officials forget to represent the public and represent themselves they have sold their integrity. As always follow the money and one will find that politics can be a lucrative business; and when that happens it is time to make changes...... Even in small town politics....
How do they do this? Simple, by making sure that the right (proper) professional firms get the work and contracts that they are supposed to get - not always because they are good but because they are party lackeys. Large contributors and party loyalists get their do with nice paychecks that will come to them at the expense of good government.
When voters are asked to vote for someone because, they will be a good public servant, they should always be skeptical and do their research. Voters need to be more knowledgeable in who they vote for and not always become blinded by what they are told. Watch out, for when their public officials forget to represent the public and represent themselves they have sold their integrity. As always follow the money and one will find that politics can be a lucrative business; and when that happens it is time to make changes...... Even in small town politics....
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Simple Question.... Has your party abandoned you?
Should loyalty beget loyalty? Should a person stay loyal to a political party that has abandoned that person? I am not talking about changing beliefs, but questioning loyalty.
After giving your all to your party's needs and feeling that there is no support coming back when does a person decide that "your party abandoned you"..... We hear that often but what could or should be the breaking point?
Monday, January 4, 2016
The Trump Phenomena.
Everyone is amazed by the attention and great polling that Donald Trump is getting. Is it because people are finally making a statement that they are tired of mealy mouthed politicians? Now don't get me wrong I am not a Donald supporter or even in the same party, but I have to agree that his tell it like it is attitude is attractive.
On the Democrat side I feel that Bernie Sanders is the one telling like it is in a more intelligent, and policy driven way. He has bucked the system and many people are liking it. Bernie has proven that it is time to speak your mind and that a politician is there for the people and not for special interest groups of mostly millionaires. (this is very much unlike Trump)
We the people must demand more of our politicians to be the same. We are owed representatives that actually represent us. Public servants that actually serve the public. They have to stop hiding behind their rich sugar daddies and stand on their own. Even the millionaire power brokers only have one vote, and the 99% outnumber the 1%.
So even though he is bombastic, bigoted, chauvinistic and an arrogant 1%er, Trump has proven that people do want a person who speaks to them.... Just that it is a person like Bernie Sanders has a better and sincere presentation.....
On the Democrat side I feel that Bernie Sanders is the one telling like it is in a more intelligent, and policy driven way. He has bucked the system and many people are liking it. Bernie has proven that it is time to speak your mind and that a politician is there for the people and not for special interest groups of mostly millionaires. (this is very much unlike Trump)
We the people must demand more of our politicians to be the same. We are owed representatives that actually represent us. Public servants that actually serve the public. They have to stop hiding behind their rich sugar daddies and stand on their own. Even the millionaire power brokers only have one vote, and the 99% outnumber the 1%.
So even though he is bombastic, bigoted, chauvinistic and an arrogant 1%er, Trump has proven that people do want a person who speaks to them.... Just that it is a person like Bernie Sanders has a better and sincere presentation.....
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