We have bad behavior all over in politics today, from the presidential level; but it also happens at the local level, and that is where people's lives are the most effected by corrupt politicians...
Here in the lovely rolling hills of Bucks County Pa there is probably more corruption per capita then in many major cities; which usually monitor corruption. If you happen to sit on the side of the isle that is in power and you kiss enough ass and you are willing to sell your integrity to the devil you will get ahead - all at the cost of the taxpayers and people who voted for you to do the right thing.
In Newtown there was (because he got promoted) a supervisor who was arrested for a DUI, in the process of that arrest threatened the police officer's job by using his position as a supervisor; a position given to him by the voters. Usually for doing such a thing a person of integrity does some sort of penance - not him, not even a formal apology to his fellow supervisors. His legal judgement was just as much of a joke, to the poor police man and the department for that fact, because he only got a slap on the wrist for what he did. Why? Because he had happened to be the webmaster for the joke of a DA Bucks County has.
In the meantime he has lied to the public, used scare tactics in neighborhoods so that large money contributing builders would get their way and more housing density to the detriment of those neighborhoods. He has tried to bid rig for certain construction firms, firms owned by high ranking power brokers within his party. He is and will always be in the pocket of a State Senator that has been using him since he became a supervisor.
The sad part is that this supervisor just go an appointment to a high paying $90K row office in the county because he has been a good soldier (like a German or Mafia soldier). The Governor was warned - well at least his lieutenants were - of this supervisor's bad behavior; and what was done - he was rewarded for the bad behavior. Just not fair to those public servants who want to serve the public and not the power brokers.
Now I know and I am not naive that these things happen on both sides of the political isle, and that is even sadder. Don't the people deserve better? Of course they do - but they have to pay attention first and study up on who they are voting for and not just become sheep being lead to the voting booth. Ask for those who are helping you to be reward when the time comes - because they will do right by the voters - and the voters need better then what they are getting..... Whether nationally or locally - the voters are the most powerful on election day.
As for this supervisor rewarded for bad behavior. He may be laughing at all of us thinking he has gotten ahead; but he will always be bought and paid for and sold his integrity and any good intentions he may have had; that is until someone cheaper comes along and he is tossed a side, because he is one that can't be trusted even by the corrupt bosses.