Today (3-24-18) is a historic day in the culture of America. Washington DC is being taken over by the youth of a America to let the politicians and NRA know that they are not going to take gun violence anymore. The massacre of our young in schools is not to be tolerated. The massacre of anyone who goes about their lives safely is uncalled for. No one should have their lives snuffed out by a deranged person who got their hands, even legally, on an automatic weapon. A weapon that is far from being used for the hunting of animals; but for the hunting humans. How many more bodies need to be buried until the politicians put a stop to it?
The late Senator Paul Wellstone once said "Politics is not about money. Politics is not about winning for the sake of winning. Politics is about the improvement people's lives." Now ask yourself, is that being done?
There is a way for change and the youth may just do that, and how, by finally voting the bums out.... They owe the politicians nothing but they are owed everything. Mostly living safely - we all deserve that.