Now that Elon Musk has used his billions to by a social network, has a free speech platform been neutralized. Will he monitor any negative remarks about himself and stop all criticism about himself or his companies, or will he honor the social town square forum? Will he let a disrupter and hater like Donald Trump back to spew his vile comments just because he thinks it good theater.
In the one day that Musk has owned the platform he has already fired top executives (can't say they don't deserve it for being callus in selling); but I am sure they all got Golden Parachutes. This purchase by a billionaire (if not the, but one of the, richest) is proof again that the 1% is pushing out the 99%. If this continues all the news and media outlets will be printing and promoting only what they think is viable. Little by little it has and continues; Murdoch and Fox, Bezos and Washington Post, jus to name 2. The 99% have been pushed aside during the 4 year reign of a modern day tyrant and has to rise up again. Also those who follow the tyrant should realize that they too are part of the 99% and would be trampled on when no longer needed a props anymore.
We have always been a country founded on a "For the people, by the people" philosophy - but the rich get elected and take care of the rich 1% and the people 99% are still made to carry the load on their backs and suffer all the burdens. The 99% (which always has outnumbered the 1%) needs to get and find their voice again and fight (not violently) for change. Let us all have a chance for a better life - we all deserve it.