Saturday, March 1, 2008

What's wrong with Bill being there?

I am really getting tired of all the pundits and even some of our illustrious elected officials saying that Bill Clinton in the White House again would be a terrible thing. Who wouldn't want him there to give occasional advise? Why should Hillary be penalized because she happens to be married to an ex-president? I guess we American's would rather that our president consult someone like Dicky Cheney then Bill Clinton. Just because Georgie W. was too stupid to go to daddy Bush for advise; sometimes daddy even tried to force his people on GW but he didn't want the help; why shouldn't Hillary go to Bill. Would Obama talk to the Mrs. - would McCain have chats with his Mrs.? I am sure they will - but are they a former president? NO.... Will they occasionally heed their advise? Maybe, maybe not. If Hillary were to ask her hubby for his opinion on something and maybe or maybe not takes that advise is that any different? Well no different just for the fact that he is her spouse, but much different in that he was a president.

Just think when foreign leaders try to pull a fast one on Hillary, even with knowing that she if a powerful and intelligent person in her own right, they would also know that she would have a person in the White House living quarters who has been there and done that. Again would it be any different if Obama was president and consulted with Bill Clinton on an issue or issues. I am sure that Mr. Obama would gladly take the advise of Bill Clinton given the chance. Heck I am even sure Mr. McCain would.

As Democrats I think we have to stop worrying if Hillary becomes president that Bill will always be tagging along. My gosh we should all know by now that Hillary (like Gore thought he was) IS her own woman. And Bill being as busy as he is will probably be giving speeches and seminars for his global cause. Let's stop being negative about Bill being in the White House. If I was given the reins of Microsoft - I would want Bill Gates there to advise me, if I were given the Trump empire I would want Donald the be there to advise me; so why, if I were elected President of the United States wouldn't I want an ex-successful president there to advise me. Haven't just about finished up with a boob who seeks advise from other boobs.... Would we want to risk that again.......

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