Friday, April 18, 2008

Temper - Temper Barack

Gee did everyone see poor Barack get a little upset at some of the questions asked of him at the debate on Apr. 16th. Now when giving one of his sermons he claimed that the questions dealt with the past - ancient history in his mind. Well when you have no policy experience to fall back on, your past history does come in to play. In play that shows one's character.

As I have stated before - if he thinks that he is above it all and feels he can just blow off the past. Wake up.... The general election will be even worse. The GOP will even find out who cut your umbilical cord.

Toughen up if you want to be the people's candidate. And learn and admit that maybe in your past you did do some stupid things that hurt someone running for President. Jeremiah Wright is not forgotten......

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