Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Principled Leadership along with Integrity & Honesty

Making principled leadership a reality is a good sound bite; but doesn't matter if there is no integrity and honesty. Some candidates for office feel that it is a necessity to distort the truth by the way of half truths. Some may claim that their opponent will raise taxes because they are a Democrat; or if they are a Republican that they will cut personnel or services to save money. If this is truly the truth then I would assume it is fine. Produce quotes and statements made to prove your point. But if they are just innuendo, then where is your principled leadership. If a person cannot be trusted to tell the truth while campaigning; how can that person be trusted when and if they were to get into office.

Tell it like it is and take your occasional hits; but make sure you are fair and tell it like it is for everyone - then you have integrity. Then you can be trusted as an honest elected official.

A person can maintain principled leadership along with integrity and honesty with truthful & hard campaigning, or they could just become another political hack and distort the truth.

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