What is the problem with Democrats/Progressives? Why are they so down on their elected officials and the president? Why are they letting the party of NO take control again? A party that did nothing when they had the power - have been obstructionists while the Democrats have the power and now are trying to convince the people that the Democrats are the ones bad for the people. A party who could care less about the unemployed; those without health care or inadequate health care; would let the older citizens on social security lose all their money if they had privatized their investments, and they continue to point the finger at Democrats and President Obama and say "they are the problem." The sad part about all this is that Democrats are even believing the GOP's rhetoric.
Must you all be reminded of the last administration and all the things they did to divide and instill fear in the people of this country? What a short memory people have about the "non-weapons of mass destruction" - a unilateral war (still going on) to topple a tyrant who had nothing to do with 9/11 while the real villain goes untouched. The way the last administration made the USA a hated country in the rest of the civilized world. These are just a few issues I will list and I am sure most of you could add to the list - but honestly I am getting depressed.
Then think about the joy and happiness when Obama won the presidency against all odds. Just because of who he is and his upbringing he was demonized by these same people who are claiming to be God-fearing, God-loving but hate all people who are different. What President Obama has done in his almost 2 years surpasses all that never was done in both Bush I and Bush II 12 total years of reign. Although some liberals/progressives have not been happy at times with him because they feel he hasn't gone to the left enough; must be patient. When you sit down and analyze what has been done you will realize it is far better then the alternative.
Unless you want to be controlled by the GOP, Beck-ise, Palinites, Rushskys and so on then be the negative lot that you seem to be at the moment. Even when Bush II was at his worse his party stuck behind him as their leader. The Democrats want to eat their leaders once they disagree with them. Maybe, just maybe, the Democrats are happy with being the losing party; but if not then they better start flexing their political muscles (while they still have them) and get out there and support their candidates and keep the party in control. All your moaning and groaning instead of talking things up positively is harming the party and the candidates chances. If independents see that Democrats are bad mouthing Democrats then what are they to think. You have to get out there and build the BIG MO again or else you will be forced to drink from the TEA PARTY - just think how they would govern or not govern.
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