Colletive bargining?
Powerfull business men and women do it when they try to corner the market on something and fix prices. Wall Street financial wizards do it when they feel like it control he borrowing rates mortgages granted. Both doing all this while their companies and brokerages are losing money at the cost of their major raises.
Politians together to determine what laws they want passed (for their financial benifit most likey) to control the people? Political collective bargining? Yabetcha..
.. But as long as it is done on the QT it is ok. When hard working blue collar workers want to discuss their work conditions and how they want them improved; the rich and powerfull, who are making money off the backs of the workers say no way.
Who is being harmed by the crushing of collective bargining?
The working people; the backbone of this country. Probably many of our past relatives belonged to a union. It gave people a chance to work for a good wage and work their way up to being comfortabl
e and in most cases have the opportunit
y to send the baby boomer generation
, to college. So, these are the people who should be crushed. NOT the illegal collective barginig done by the rich greedy businesspe
ople and the power crazed politician
s. It seems again we have gotten it backwards and are blaming the wrong group of people.... The only time people wake up is when they find out it will happen to them...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost