Friday, December 16, 2011
U.S. Poverty: Census Finds Nearly Half Of Americans Are Poor Or Low-Income
There was a time when the middle class was proud to be the backbone of America. Today the middle class just continues to have its back broken.
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Monday, September 12, 2011
Gaining Inspiration From Flight 93 Crash Site
A group of brave ordinary people doing extra-ordi anary feats. The true courage of America came out that day - on flight 93 and those who ran into burning buildings, risking their lives to save others. The courage that keeps America going. God bless all those who sacraficed and continue to sacrafice. ...
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Sunday, September 4, 2011
Dick Cheney: Hillary Clinton As President Would Have Made Different U.S.
It is nice to see Mr. Cheney has some sense when it comes to the qualificat
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Sunday, August 28, 2011
Bernanke knows the Great Depression or NOT.
It is amazing that a man whose had spent his academic career studying and becoming an expert on the Great Depression is doing nothing to fix the mess that we continue to plummet into. Again the ones who will absorb the brunt of the damage will be the ever dwindling "middle class", the middle of what is what many of them are worrying about. No jobs, with no jobs no health insurance, high gas prices - while we occupy an oil rich country and the high cost of two wars; money spent and brave lives lost. Money spent monthly on these wars that could solve the problems we are having here. But like all wars fought; I am sure some people higher up is making millions as war profiteers. If Mr. Bernanke doesn't use the expertise he supposedly has - or at least tries to make the right recommendations - then he will go down as the FED leader who crushed the middle class and whose knowledge was useless.
It is amazing that a man whose had spent his academic career studying and becoming an expert on the Great Depression is doing nothing to fix the mess that we continue to plummet into. Again the ones who will absorb the brunt of the damage will be the ever dwindling "middle class", the middle of what is what many of them are worrying about. No jobs, with no jobs no health insurance, high gas prices - while we occupy an oil rich country and the high cost of two wars; money spent and brave lives lost. Money spent monthly on these wars that could solve the problems we are having here. But like all wars fought; I am sure some people higher up is making millions as war profiteers
Monday, August 1, 2011
Bernie Sanders Blasts Democrats, Boehner Debt Ceiling Plan
Once again those who will pay while taking decreases in pay, are the ever dwindling middle class and ever increasing unemployed
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Monday, July 4, 2011
New Jersey Politician On Chris Christie: 'I Want To Punch Him In His Head'
Christie was that kid in school that got picked on and now that he is a big kid he is giving paybacks to all your knucklehea
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Sunday, June 26, 2011
Chris Wallace Asks Michele Bachmann: 'Are You A Flake?'
Michelle Bachman has chutzpah. For those of you old enough to remember the Mary Tyler Moore show; Lou Grant said that Mary had chutzpah..
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
Is all politics really Local... not to the Locals...
Hello all.
Sorry I have been missing in action recently; but I have been involved in something of which many an American could care less about: Local government elections. Here in Pennsylvania - the Keystone State - we had a Primary election on May 17th, you of course would never know it by the attendence, at most a wopping 15%.
Like everything else - voters, citizens always want to concentrate at what is going on at the top. Now of days we never want to start at the bottom and work our way up. That even pertains to local government; the day to day operations that effect them directly in their day to day life. More so then what their congressperson, senator, governor or even president. But do they know who or what is their school board; township supervisors, mayors, council people and on and on. Well from years of working the local polls as a committeeperson (wow what is that) - I would have to say locally the electorate is clueless.
That is why you get the local government you get. Because of turnout one of the two major parties can control elections. Shame on those who let this happen cause they will get what the haven't voted for - eventually a policticall corrupt system. One party will control everything - and those who will benefit are their cronies. They (cronies) will get all the appointments to boards and committees and be privy to all that is going on in the inner circle. Now when you think about what it takes to get this control and who the people are sitting on the outside - the amazing result is that the outsiders out number the privilaged in siders.
Due to poor turnout a controlling party can control an election with only 35-40% turnout in their favor. Now that leaves anywhere from 65-60% that could have come out to vote - not caring. Or maybe they voted but only 25% of them did. But what the heck - who really cares about local government.
Maybe people care after the fact: when the school board raises their taxes or takes away programs to justify some mundane budget cut. Or maybe they will care when their township is almost bankrupt and they elected officals feel the only way to balance the budget is to cut personnel. Less personnel - less service. When thats what happens when your are reactive and not proactive.
People need to get involved in local government and exercise their vote. Being a reactionary society it would serve people right if they got their right to vote taken away for lack of use. For all the people who sacrificed to get equal voting rights - just imagine them taken away and given only to the privilage few that do vote. In essence, all you non voters, that is what is being done; only it is being done voluntarily.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Robert De Niro To GOP, Donald Trump: 'How Dare You!'
Watch out Bob. Once you call Donald out on something he goes on to claim that he liked you but now that you questioned him - you have become talentless
He seems to have all the answers to every problem but refuses to devulge them - well until a later date. Kinda like a TV show. He give the old Ross Perot reasoning for fixing a problem - "I will fix it because I said I will fix it" used to be Perot's mantra. The first thing that these captains of industry should do is grow a thicker skin and realize they are not the boss anymore. They in essence work for all Americans - and we have to final would on when you will be FIRED.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Donald Trump acting like Ross Perot?
http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2011/04/a-second-coming-of-perot.html Maybe Andrew Sullivan is reading this blog... The comparision of "The Donald" and "The Ross" was writen about here on Sunday Apr. 10, 2011. Great minds... Mine and Andrew Sullivan's that is. As for the other two; where are your minds....
Donald Trump: Bill Cosby Is Not 'Honest'
Mental Heath?? The Donald is the one who is acting like a blabbering incoherent insane person....
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Sunday, April 10, 2011
Donald Trump Writes Blistering Letter To Gail Collins, New York Times Columnist
Wow.. Guess when Mr. Trumpy get a scathing letter, response or phone call from an angry world leader he will send them a picture of themself on the head of an animal. His problem solving stupidity and lack of sophistica
Trump's rants and raves about dealing with China at times have made sense. But then when he diverts from his supposed expertise and starts his birther campaign he is becoming as crazy as Ross Perot. At least Perot almost made to the end before cracking. Wake up The Donald, Trumpy or The Hairdo, as President you are not totally in charged and if you think so it wouldn't be long before your huge ego is deflated and "YOUR FIRED".
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Saturday, March 12, 2011
Scott Walker Signs Wisconsin Union Bill Into Law
Colletive bargining?
Powerfull business men and women do it when they try to corner the market on something and fix prices. Wall Street financial wizards do it when they feel like it control he borrowing rates mortgages granted. Both doing all this while their companies and brokerages are losing money at the cost of their major raises.
Politians together to determine what laws they want passed (for their financial benifit most likey) to control the people? Political collective bargining? Yabetcha..
Who is being harmed by the crushing of collective bargining?
The working people; the backbone of this country. Probably many of our past relatives belonged to a union. It gave people a chance to work for a good wage and work their way up to being comfortabl
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Friday, February 18, 2011
Sarah Palin Speaks Out On 2012, Birthers & 'Death Panels' Charge
The former 2 year quitter Alaskan governor. Thank God she is the idiot cartoon character who keeps on giving...>
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Sunday, February 13, 2011
Glenn Beck To Egypt Critics: 'Go To Hell' (VIDEO)
Why doesn't this fear mongerling lunitic thank God everyday for all the millions he makes and just go away.... His craziness will cause him to go broke along the lines of Lenny Bruce (who actually had a better case)..
Since Glenny hates peaceful demonstrat
It must be hard to be the smartest man in American..
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Monday, February 7, 2011
AOL Agrees To Acquire The Huffington Post
Wow. First Air America gone... Then Keith Olberman gone.. Now Huffington Post technicall
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Sunday, February 6, 2011
Virginia Thomas' Anita Hill Call Reportedly Caused Problems With Conservative Donors
Instead of asking for an appology she should be thanking God that her brain dead idiot husband is a Supreme Court Justice. Truly a man undeservin
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Sarah Palin Blasts Obama's Handling Of Egypt
Wow... Great advice coming from a media grabbing political office quitter. Even if she had the opportunit
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