It is nice to see Mr. Cheney has some sense when it comes to the qualificat
ion's and abilities of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Stating that she may be the most competent member of the Obama administra
tion not only leaves one to speculate what a Hillary Clinton Presidency might have been like but also the example she set for a woman to be President. To compare Hillary Clinton to a Michelle Bachman or Sarah Palin would be a joke. Bachman and Palin are cartoon characters compared to Hillary Clinton. The praise Bachman and Palin get should not be because there are no other women in the race for President but should be for competence - and to be President of the United States they couldn't shine Hillary Clinton's shoes; heck looking at Romney, Paul, Huntsman, an yahoo Perry; they can't either....
. Thanks Dick for finally speaking sense, maybe now your party will listen to the Black Knight....
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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