Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Why the people voted for you....

Dear Mr. President and all the other Democrats who were swept into office since 2006; remember why the people voted for you and got you the majority you needed? We all wanted change... Change from what was going on under Republican rule. Change from not being heard and dealt lip service from those who could care less. If the Democrats are so concerned with what the Republicans are saying , then why did we vote them (Democrats) into office. We could have at least been abused by people who we know really don't care about us. Now we have to figure if the people we voted in are just the same.

Could it be - just maybe - possibly - that there really isn't that much difference between the two parties after all. Could it be that the one thing that they are both concerned about before the people is money. Money from the almighty health care system they are trying to fight. Money from the true "Death Panels"; the insurance company executives; the men and women who really decide who will die due to rejection of a claim. Why oh why do our politicians think they have to be beholding to these bloodsuckers? It was proven with the last election that the people have the power and even, believe it or not the money to get someone elected. I hope Mr. Obama never forgets the grassroots that put him over the top and got him into the White House.

It is time for both Democrats and Republicans to look in the mirror and realize who they are truly beholden to. Get some integrity and guts and do what is right. Realize that you will only hold that office for a temporary basis and when the time comes for you to leave - leave holding your head up high. Is getting blood money so that you can run for reelection so important that you forgotten what you were put there for. Stop being corrupted by the power of money; and instead be inspired by going down as a Congress who really served the people. Maybe it is time to get a copy of "Profiles in Courage" and read about those who really stuck their necks out. Also remember what Judas did after he got his gold pieces?

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