Monday, January 3, 2022

Is this how an elected official should make decisions?

On a local level elected officials are asked to make some pretty hairy decisions; but of course that is why they were elected. There have been some cases where an elected official, who just seemed couldn't think for himself/herself, would ask for a survey or a petition about the subject that is being discussed or voted upon.

Is this how you would want your elected official to govern, by survey or petition?  If he or she is so weak and can't think on their own why did they run for office in the first place. This type of elected official seems to have no confidence in decision making and presents weak leadership, and would rather take heed in a possible misguided response from the masses.

Voters/citizens need people who can think for themselves, assess the issue and give the best possible decision they can render. Will they always be right, of course not, but after some further thought anything can be corrected. The key would here is thought..... If you can't think for yourself you shouldn't be making decisions that could affect others.