Sunday, April 10, 2011

Donald Trump Writes Blistering Letter To Gail Collins, New York Times Columnist

Wow.. Guess when Mr. Trumpy get a scathing letter, response or phone call from an angry world leader he will send them a picture of themself on the head of an animal. His problem solving stupidity and lack of sophistica­tion in handling and adversary would be just what we need. The childish way he is acting at the moment is only starting to prove that cartoon character Sarah Palin is the more mature of the two.

Trump's rants and raves about dealing with China at times have made sense. But then when he diverts from his supposed expertise and starts his birther campaign he is becoming as crazy as Ross Perot. At least Perot almost made to the end before cracking. Wake up The Donald, Trumpy or The Hairdo, as President you are not totally in charged and if you think so it wouldn't be long before your huge ego is deflated and "YOUR FIRED".
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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