Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Alan Colmes, Fox News Contributor, Criticizes Rick Santorum For 'Crazy' Behavior, Then Apologizes (VIDEO)

Sometimes strange behavior must be called just that, strange behavior. Being from Pa. I can say the Santorum is king of strange behavior. He lost his Senate seat partly because of his strange behavior and ideals and a good candidate in Bob Casey. Once the national media delves into his weirdness the people will see that he is on the verge of insane at times. This is not to play down the lose of a child; and awful thing to happen to any parent; but again this isn't the only questionab­le action by Mr. Santorum. The other issue is that the remark was made innocently by wimpy Fox token liberal Alan Colmes; who apologized immediatel­y like a gentleman. I would love to have seen if this was Fat Drugie Limbaugh who made the comment, he would wear his comment like a badge of honor.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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