Sunday, June 26, 2016

Send a message as a point of principles and having balls.

Here in Pa we have a law that allows a person who has a permit to carry a concealed weapon the permission to carry that gun in a park.  A park where children play, people gather to relax and want some peace.  The only breaking of this law is the discharge of the gun.  So some one who may get angry for any reason gets their muscles pumping and pulls out their legal gun and if even accidentally discharges it.....  well the broke the law but who is going to put the bullet back in the gun.

When this law was first presented a few years ago my fellow board members were afraid to vote against it (I did) because some almighty power said we "HAD TO".....  I thought it would have been nice to send a message that we did not agree......  who and why does anyone need to carry a gun in a park....  oh but of course to protect us against the lunatic carrying  the other gun.... or maybe the two lunatics are two angry parents.

I asked my board the other night that it would be a great sign of principle if we were to contact our state representative or state senator of our opposition to this irrational law.  The only one to agree and say anything was my fellow Democrat Board member Jen Dix.  The other's sat there and said nothing - one being a candidate for the new State Representative office.....  now whether or not a lonely township like ours could change anything may be a long shot....  but it may have started something.....  but three ball-less members said nothing and what kind of leader with that State Rep candidate would be if he is afraid now to address any controversial issue.

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